Hey all bodies, hope you are all well and hopefully have been eating something tasty and listening to something kick ass on your ipods.
We are at present Superstar husband-less (I wonder if I ever gave credit to Rae over at Journey Mama for coming up with such an awesome husband name?? If I didn't - thank-you Rae!!!)
He is still north of the border being radioactive *still!!* We are a third of the way into his temporary isolation and it's not something I ever want to get used to - this being husband-less thing... It was also our wedding anniversary last week and he sent me these flowers all the way from radioactive land....Twas the first time we've ever been apart for our anniversary, 16 years of wedded bliss and 2 lots of flowers in 1 year -- EPIC WIN!
So autumn is finally here!! Yay and swoon as it is my most favourite time of the year.
The smells, the colours, crunchy leaves under foot,warm sunny days followed by crisp autumnal evenings.... I could wax lyrical about the bounty of autumn!!!
And I did - on facebook, with a friend who loves it as much as me.❤
I treated the kids to a late night, outdoor, autumn equinox picnic on Tuesday - in their pj's!
Where girl child treated us to this delightful gurn.. Although I didn't notice it was a full moon that night- check out the werehamster behind her! !!
Two of my favourite things joined together!! newfies and doggles!
Litha has had her ears trimmed, she looks silly no??
Don't tell Litha but Wembley is his favourite *shhhh*
His Daddy's good looks.
Laters!! xxx
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