Not much happening at the mo, well you can read between the lines of this as *shed loads of things happening at the mo - mostly involving lack of money, luvvy drama group trials 'n tribulations and Camism angsts*

Superstar husbands dodgy thyroid has decided to start batting above the national average again.. *sigh* This means we are back to the old block and replace scheme of meds and hope that he stops feeling soooo shite asap. Tired, heart racing, losing weight (fast) shakes and feeling overly hot (not in the he's so handsome way either - although he is...) ALL the bloody time.
Girl child is at the moment rehearsing furiously for Copacabana (the socks in this pic say it all don't they?? they just scream aye carumba!).
Unfortunately due to some "in house politics" things aren't going quite as well as they could. (Read that last sentence as "really crap and could do with some napalm to liven it up.")
Loll is just hoping to get through it best she can.
On a positive note though, she has been promoted at Ju Jitsu and is now at age 14 their head (kind of..) honcho who will be teaching and generally being a really useful engine (believe me it's not wrong to use Thomas the tank Engine quotes).
She has 2 blackbelts already and when she's 16 she will take the senior black belt. She also is well trained in Kobudo and is all set up to teach the younger kids some of the advanced weapons shiz she knows.
Am I bragging?? Well, yes, actually I am - if you don't like it - then tooooo bad. Loll is just that awesome.
As for boy child, he's not doing too well at the mo. His obsessive compulsive disorder is gathering momentum and to be honest - he's struggling. So are we. I'm not going into it too much on here but suffice to say it's horrid and it breaks my heart to see him try and cope with it. I have bought a couple of books that explain it a little better and Loll is at present reading one of them. Hopefully it might help her understand it but let me tell ya, she is the most nurturing, caring big sis that we could've ever wished for for Cam. Her heart is big and her shoulders bigger.
The boy is as ever truly amazing and puts up with crap at every turn and still manages to put a smile on our faces...
For example,
Sherm; "Jo are you feeding Litha bits of your tea??"
Jo; "Oh Sherm how could you suggest such a thing?? I know how you feel about feeding the dogs from the table. I'm shocked that you'd even THINK that I'd do such a thing.... I'm just dismayed that you'd believe that of your own wife???"
Cam; "So why's Litha sat next to you chewing then Mum????????"
I was soooo busted..
Cam's 1st vlog. He needs to work on content though!!! At least he looks mega in that hat!!
Cam - you are verily the most fantastic dude we know! Love ya buddy!
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