Thursday, 29 October 2009

The one with Fright Night

Here in not so sunny Sheff we have a brilliant Halloween festival on the Sunday before all hallows... It's called fight night and the whole of the city centre is cordoned off to traffic and becomes a pedestrian friendly zone!
Then the fun begins with rides and market stalls, Storm Troopers wander around along with giant Frankensteins and blokes sitting in baths of maggots..(wtf??), Freddy Kreuger is sat in the haunted school bus ready to scare unsuspecting members of the public as they peer in through the windows, Daleks and Cybermen..
The smell of roasting chestnuts and the laughter of giddy children thrilled with the sight of stilt walkers and jugglers. Quite awesome really.. I think it attracts well into the tens of thousands.
We had a good night and Cam coped well with the crowds.
Photo's a go go..

Even Superhero's need a break from fighting the forces of evil... Bet he's having a girly latte with vanilla syrup and whipped cream.

I'm obviously going about this cybersex thing all wrong...

Marge was sat next to us but left before Homer arrived - domestic issues I think.

Cam doesn't look unduly scared does he??

One meets such a nice class of Storm Troopers in the Winter Gardens at this time of year..

Anyhoo, radioactive man landed safe and sound after his extended trip to the far north of radioactiveland... He's at the hospital next week so we'll be able to see if the treatment has worked. And to be honest he's shown no signs of turning into the Hulk yet and frankly we're a tad disappointed at this as we have many screw top jar lids that need opening in a Hulk smash kinda fashion..

Five go mad in the woods.

See, told you we went MAD!!!

Ta da, Litha power!!

Our other pooch - Mrs Wembley didn't join us in the woods as she's spent the last couple of weeks recovering from some emergency surgery. It was very touch and go as to whether she'd even survive but I'm happy to say that she's definitely on the mend now. A big thank you to my Pa and big brother who helped us out no end with trips to the vets and lifting and carrying etc.. I couldn't have done it without them.

We even had to lift her head to drink and for 4 days we thought she wouldn't walk again... But Yay she's all betters now!! This was the beginning of Oct 09

28th Oct 09 -- see how she's cleverly hinting that the light is too bright and that we need to hoover...?

And now the Halloween preparations begin, Loll will be decorating the front garden soon and they are currently gutting pumpkins, with an evil Norman Bates glint in their eyes (the kids that is - not the pumpkins...)

Then we'll be getting the tombstones out and Bob's your uncle, scary house completed!

Happy Hauntings for Halloween all you ghosties and ghoulies. xxx

Sunday, 27 September 2009

The one with all the autumn...

Hey all bodies, hope you are all well and hopefully have been eating something tasty and listening to something kick ass on your ipods.
We are at present Superstar husband-less (I wonder if I ever gave credit to Rae over at Journey Mama for coming up with such an awesome husband name?? If I didn't - thank-you Rae!!!)
He is still north of the border being radioactive *still!!* We are a third of the way into his temporary isolation and it's not something I ever want to get used to - this being husband-less thing... It was also our wedding anniversary last week and he sent me these flowers all the way from radioactive land....Twas the first time we've ever been apart for our anniversary, 16 years of wedded bliss and 2 lots of flowers in 1 year -- EPIC WIN!

So autumn is finally here!! Yay and swoon as it is my most favourite time of the year.
The smells, the colours, crunchy leaves under foot,warm sunny days followed by crisp autumnal evenings.... I could wax lyrical about the bounty of autumn!!!
And I did - on facebook, with a friend who loves it as much as me.
I treated the kids to a late night, outdoor, autumn equinox picnic on Tuesday - in their pj's!

Where girl child treated us to this delightful gurn.. Although I didn't notice it was a full moon that night- check out the werehamster behind her! !!

Two of my favourite things joined together!! newfies and doggles!

Litha has had her ears trimmed, she looks silly no??

Uncle Jum and the doggies..

Don't tell Litha but Wembley is his favourite *shhhh*

His Daddy's good looks.

Laters!! xxx

Friday, 18 September 2009

The one with the boy...

So the boy turned 13... Wow. It's kinda awesome even though I do say so myself..
He just seemed to want to spend the whole day eating - so that is what we did!!! First stop was Subway for lunch followed by Pizza Hut for tea and finishing the evening up nicely was Pizza Express for Bambinocino's.

Epic win on the food front.

Birthday eve

Obviously their good looks come from their fathers side of the family...

Ahh, birthday Cam.

1 month shy of being together 20 yrs, you'd have thought I could've learnt how to smile properly in that amount of time....

Birthday crane.

Meat feast with what passes for meat these days - which part of the cow is shaped in funny x's??

Cam Corleone.
And no Kate, he hasn't made me an offer I can't refuse yet...

Hmmm cake *puts head to one side and drools Homer Simpson style..*

Bambinocino's racked up for the boy.

Scary McScary of Scaryville town

Muhahahaha... Night of the living parents....

Sunday, 30 August 2009

The one with Old Macdonald...

So, which one is the clown???? Answers on a postcard please!!!

Anybody else having a Stephen King "IT" moment???

The one with the birthday

So the girl child has reached the ripe ol' age of oldish. I am now officially old .....

Here are plenty of photo's a go go....
The birthday girl...

Who went to town with her friends on her birthday......

To spend her birthday money on these

She clicked her heels 3 times "I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home"

But that didn't work so they all had a rest Goldilocks styleee...

And her amazing buddies even got her a cake!!!!!

Then a couple of days later she had a celebratory BBQ....

With her buddies and a jar of friendly Nutella.

Which got everywhere....

Including on her Momma....

But not on the cake.... Which we ate..


Saturday, 15 August 2009

The one with all the random photies.

So a funny thing happened in Tesco, Superstar husband went off to fetch his six pack of soft drinks cans that he has for work and I meandered down the next aisle for my shopping pleasure when all of a sudden I was taken unawares by the Superstar husband (cans of pop in hand) saying "I've just dropped one..."
Quelle horror I think to myself, he's openly farted in the soft drinks aisle in Tesco...
"Was it a big one" I ask nervously, checking to see if I'll need to do a runner cos of the terrible odour..
"No you numpty!" he says- "I dropped one of these" gesturing to the six pack of summer fruits soda in his hand.....

Cue me dissolving roflmao style..

We've had a fortnight of hospital/doctor/orthodontist appointments...aka too busy to have a life.
So for your viewing pleasure ---- random photos of yester week/month/year..❤❤

Paint, nuff said.

Burbage, within the glorious peak district (which is practically our back yard).

For those of you old enough to remember Allo Allo....

Loll and Royce Gracie. When she was about 6 she decided she would marry one of his sons so that she could get her training for free as seminars with him cost about 25 or 30 quid.. Smart girlie!!!

The Camster.

Hmmmm, glasses that match scarf AND hair. Accessorize that you crazy foooool!!

Finally found Loll's Simpson avitar.

Magnolias by Loll some time in '07 or '08.

And finally the piece de resistance.... my beautiful children in "Quack Quack, a tale of a duck and its hunter.." created about 7 or 8 yrs ago.. Quack quack waddle waddle..... Surwim.