Most people are born into a religion, few have the chance to choose their own path.
I have felt, for a long while, the steady pull of what I can only describe as God. At first it was just a gentle nudge that made me want to read up on religion, then it became a little stronger and I delved deeper into several different paths to the divine but what made me struggle was that there wasn't a definitive yes or no. Depending on who you talk to they mostly only have eyes for their own personal beliefs, so ask a hundred people and you'll get a 100 answers...
Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Baha i, Paganism and on and on it goes...
So I'm going to put my thoughts down on metaphorical paper and see if that helps me!
First and foremost - God (I'll use the term God but for all I know it could be a she...) should be kind. None of this fire and brimstone lark. Who wants to be lead by fear? Not me, I'm more of a 'catch more with honey than vinegar' kinda gal. Kindness is this seasons' black - it should be the fashion of this era.
I think women are totally equal to men in every way and shouldn't be discriminated against just cos we have le boobies. In fact, if anything we are pretty awesome - we do the whole growing and feeding babies bit, that's an amazing thing eh?
Gay people have as much right as anyone to get married and live happily ever after, with kids if they want and with Gods approval too. God loves us all, each and every one of us, he sees beauty in all of us and judges us by our deeds and not by how we look.
Capriciousness is a big No No, like a parent - he should be consistent.
Evolution happened, there may or may not have been intelligent design behind it but Darwin was spot on. I once read a fictional book by David Eddings about Ul, the father of the Gods, in which he wrote that the universe was spun out of nothing but Ul was the spinner. This sounds plausible.
And God is in a personal relationship with each of us, a trusting & gentle personal friendship.
God is not hateful, covetous, spiteful, conversion crazy, unpredictable or distant. Neither is he a bearded old man who sits in the clouds! :)
Religion means so many things to so many people. Sometime good and sometimes bad, but which ever it is it shouldn't be extreme.
Also I'm not sure about Jesus yet. It is a heck of a burden to carry knowing that he had to die for me just so I can pass on the responsibility of my sins. I understand the whole "Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" Mr Spock quote but why would God do that to his own son? And why can't God himself forgive us instead of getting his son in on the act. The trinity befuddles my brain - Father, Son
and Holy Spirit??? Meh.
Each religion seems to have it's good and bad points and I'm narrowing them down all the time to find that one elusive path. But it's always just out of reach - I just want to know which yellow brick road I should be on.
I've even started to ask for signs from God/the universe/destiny - anyone who is listening in fact, just to gently turn me around and give me a little push onto the right road. No takers so far though... Could I just have a giant neon sign please :)
So I'll just keep on keeping on and look out for God who is obviously thinking it's a hoot to have a game of hide and seek with me. 8, 9, 10 ready or not here I come!!