Saturday, 31 March 2012


The month of March in pictures...

Supper time at Moonstone manor...

Our new log store, made from recycled pallets.

Puppy trying to catch a bubble.. He did, but you'll have to zoom in to spot it in his rather large mouth.

A friend posted a desk based meme on Facebook, don't know what mine says about me??

Nothing finer on a crisp, spring day than an oh so hot cup of tea :)

Jitsuqueen and our apparently cyborg/terminator dawg.

Yarn bombing project for Jitsuqueen's art instillation.

Birthday pressie!!

My birthday, feeling the pain at 39!

The boy child. And washing. And crocheting.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

March?? It's March already you say??

My next door neighbours are lovely, they have 2 daughters - one of whom I went to school with. Said daughter has got a lovely little bundle of joy who is around 14 months old.
And they are staying the week, next door, with plenty of nurturing from the neighbours - lots of tenderness for the grandchild and a big 'ol heap of motherly/fatherly love for the daughter.

Do you know what?? I love hearing the gurgles, giggles and shrieks of delight emanating from their house. The fact that as they are pushing the pram down the driveway, they always stop to have a look at the puppy (who is gazing at them through the fence) and the baby looks at this giant ball of brown fluff with wide, blue eyes of wonder.

Hmmmm, oh my days. Babies are special aren't they? My babies are currently hurtling towards adulthood at warp speed so it's kinda nice to look back at the photos of yester year....

I spent an afternoon looking through some old piccies... here are a few.
By the way, be prepared... my babies are veerrryyy cute...