Saturday, 19 November 2011

Autumnal chill

The nights are drawing in. Darkness greets us at either end of the day - although those "either ends" are getting closer together each and every day that passes.
We are getting enormous pleasure from lighting the stove in the evening. It's easy to imagine a bygone era when technology wasn't so intrusive and long, cold nights were spent gathered around the fire.

I yearn for that simplicity. And for Starbucks.... (juxtaposition much?)

I think someone keeps checking to see if it's still warm :)

Friday, 11 November 2011

25 things

1. I still haven't decided what I want to be when I'm all growd up but it probably involves Hawaii and a serious surf career.

2. I have a *cough* slight addiction to Starbucks coffee.

3. I want to travel the world or at least have the balls to do it!

4. I wish wholeheartedly that I was prettier/thinner/more intelligent and yes I know that's shallow of me.

5. The husband is the other half of my soul and I can't even breath without him.

6. My 2 adorable children get all their good looks, talent and mojo mostly from me... :)

7. I fully believe candlelight is the only way to light a living room on a dark stormy evening.

8. Fire pits, I love to sit out in the garden in front of a roaring fire pit. Mo colder mo better.

9. I really want a wood burning hot tub. REALLY. But they're around about £3000.

10. I adore newfoundland dogs.

11. I always leave the last bit of my cornetto cone - the part with the solid bit of chocolate in it.

12. I am always jealous of people who can speak more than 1 language fluently.

13. One of my dreams is to witness the northern lights- swoon..

14. I could look at other peoples photos all day. Even the holiday snaps...

15. Blade is really cool. I mean how cool would it be to be a day walker??

16. My creative ideas are awesome but my talent is zero. I normally tell the Jitsuqueen (my lovely daughter) what my idea is and she does it for me. And vice versa. We are the artistic versions of Jack Spratt.

17. I automatically give preference to Australians due to the fact my sons heart surgeon was from down under and therefore I love ALL things Aussie. Except their big spiders.

19. I have a large hole where religion should be and don't know if it will ever be filled as I think which ever deity decided to make Sly's (my lovely sons) hearts plumbing back to front isn't very kind.

20. But I am very spiritual.

21. Autumn, winter - yes. Spring, summer-no.

22. Rollerskates are waaaay better than rollerblades.

23. I call my old secondary school "The Hellmouth"

24. I love weddings and troll the tinterweb looking at wedding blogs and photos. And yes I know what a saddo I am. :)

25. If I wasn't married to Sherm I'd be married to Wolverine. End of.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Thursday blues

I have the Thursday blues. And mauves.
I am being driven slowly silly by the whooshing noise in my right ear...Grrrrr *shakes fist angrily* and have stooped so low as to actually make myself a Dr's appointment. How very dare I.
Here are 2 pics. The GIANT puppy and a photo of the Sly, Jitsuqueen and Chachi at Halloween.


Monday, 7 November 2011

Lethargy bug

See, even the puppy is tired!!

I'm not ill. Not even a little bit. No sniffles or coughs. Unfortunately I seem to have been struck down with a bad case of the lethargy lurg..

If I had a jam jar full of energy I might even stay awake for more than 10 hours a day. Tiredness is my enemy at the moment and I'm surviving by writing down short "to do" lists on bright n' cheery yellow post it notes and patting myself on the back as I stumble back into bed as the night draws in, hopefully having completed more than 80% of the lovely, lemony list.


I think I may have to try the "Thankful/Grateful" meme that is going around the blogs I read. At least I would then be happy and tired :)