So, May huh, that's a long time no blog eh???
In between times we have had good days and bad days, off days and on days, sad days and happy days, high days and holidays, college days and boyfriend days and conker days and birthdays!!!
Pics of said days.....
Sculptor Andy Vickers doing his thing and rocking the bandana.

Jitsuqueen, the Willster and likkle cuz's numbers 1 and 2

Sly and Jitsuqueen on Jitsuqueen's birthday.


Jitsuqueen and "the boyfriend" Willster

She's sooo purdy.

Sly's birthday...

Sure I'm gonna clean my hovel up Moonstone Momma..x

New addition to M n J's family! Sweeeeet and called Toby...

Me - urghhhh. Before going to a party. Don't I look excited....

Said "exciting" party.

Band night!

Sound and lights woot.

Mi familia. x

Moonstone Momma and Jitsuqueen.

Da guys.

Who is that handsome fellow with the mighty stride??

Jitsuqueen and the Willster.


Jitsuqueen and one of her birthday presents.

Hopefully I'll do better than 4 months between posts this time!
Laters! MM xxx